News of New Zealanders via Global Media



“We did not spot a single blemish in New Zealand, where it’s hard to tell where the pristine national parks end and the rest of the country begins….We discovered why New Zealand’s Milford Track, with its…

Awards of Merit

Awards of Merit

Controversial clergyman and academic Lloyd Geering carried off the highest honour in the New Years’ list, Principal Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit. Colin “Pinetree” Meads, All Black 1957-71 and all-time greatest AB, is one…

They’re Off

They’re Off

The Race, featuring New Zealand skipper Grant Dalton, kicked off in Barcelona on December 31. The giant catamarans are expected to circumnavigate the globe in around 65 days.

Gender Tee-off

Gender Tee-off

Michael Campbell is one of four top male golfing stars to meet women’s #1 Karrie Webb in a million dollar “Battle of the Sexes” series later this year.

Bungy-free Zone

Bungy-free Zone

“They’re funny things, kiwis – like big hedgehogs with bird bits sticking out, and they snuffle around with their heads to the ground.” An anxious Brit birdwatches as an adrenaline-free alternative to “catapulting about the place”.

Scots Bemused

Scots Bemused

“The strangeness of New Zealand is brought home to us the very first night of the tour. We’ve just bought our first round in a bar in Paihia, when this Maori guy rolls up to us…

Kreme de la Kreme

Kreme de la Kreme

New Zealander Donald Henshall is the new president of international development for Krispy Kreme, makers of President Clinton’s favourite doughnuts.

Good Behavior Pat

Good Behavior Pat

Canterbury police are rewarding sober drivers with pats – chocolate cowpats.  

Window Rescue

Window Rescue

Christchurch window-cleaner Brent Harrington’s rescue provided a spectacle for 200 cheering tourist after his pulley-operated platform malfunctioned, stranding him outside the fifth floor of the BNZ.

Is That a Wallet in Your Sofa or Are You Just Pleased to See Me?

Is That a Wallet in Your Sofa or Are You Just Pleased to See Me?

After 57 years apart US marine Chuck Herrler was reunited with his wallet, courtesy of Wellington woman Louise Alliston, who noticed a strange bulge in the arm of her second-hand sofa.

Tennis Ace

Tennis Ace

Since coming to New Zealand six years ago, 19 year old Ilke Gers has developed into a potential tennis champion, currently aiming to break into the world top 400.

Smart Milk

Smart Milk

Breast is best for premature babies according to Christchurch School of Medicine researchers. Brest-fed babies have a slighter higher IQ at ages 7 and 8, compared to their peers raised on the bottle.

Berg Ahoy!

Berg Ahoy!

Kiwi Nigel Jolly heads a team of eleven sailing into Antarctic waters in search of a giant iceberg. The crew are hoping to film the berg inside and out.

Federate or Die?

Federate or Die?

“It is likely that the New Zealand situation will become so critical in the early years of this century that support for political union will rise rapidly.”  

Resolute Squash

Resolute Squash

Ireland’s “cultural aspects” have drawn New Zealander Andrew Flemming away from exercise, but regular squash is on his New Year’s resolution list.  

In the Pink of Elf

In the Pink of Elf

“Cate Blanchett is looking particularly ethereal…perhaps it’s just a little leftover glow from the four months spent in New Zealand playing the Lady Galadriel…”

Chathams Hungover

Chathams Hungover

“We blew our budget last year and walked away with a huge headache, but we had a lot of fun,” says Chathams man Robin Preece, predicting a quiet New Year for the first place to see…

Controversial Language

Controversial Language

The “anthropological treasure trove of the Pacific” is a breeding ground for academic debate. University of Auckland researchers Russell Gray and Fiona Jordan have adapted DNA mapping techniques and applied them to language families, creating a new…

Royal Kiss-off?

Royal Kiss-off?

47% of New Zealanders, including 63% of Maori, believe the monarchy should go.  

Woolly Luxury

Woolly Luxury

Wools of New Zealand will be displaying the braided, cut-piled and knotted wares of 33 carpet-makers at the Surfaces 2001 convention in Las Vegas. They also announce four key Carpet Colour Sensations for 2001.

Cold Shoulder

Cold Shoulder

Warming-swarming says Wellington scientist Vincent Gray, whose anti-global warming beliefs challenge scientific orthodoxy.

Flower Power

Flower Power

Does a pohutukawa in bloom signal a marriage, heat or no Father Christmas?

Roaring Fun

Roaring Fun

“In Australia and New Zealand, long ago, it was called a ‘bull roarer’ and used to scare away evil spirits; Native Americans made it hum during rain ceremonies; South American fisherman swirled it over rivers to…

Backwards Into the Future

Backwards Into the Future

“The past is not found in the days gone by, but in the days that sit in front of us,” says Moana Jackson, stating the Maori view of the past during the opening address…

Birth blocked

Birth blocked

New Zealand website Calendargirls’ planned broadcast of a live birth on Christmas day was stymied by a high court ruling.

Campbell’s Leap

Campbell’s Leap

“The biggest move outside the top 10 was by New Zealander Michael Campbell who leaped from 108th to 14th” in the golf world rankings.”

Vertical #2

Vertical #2

“Vertical Limit has its flaws – but they’re not enough to dim rousing, old-fashioned escapism which uses modern techno-skills to really put you in the picture and on the mountain peak.”

Brain Gain

Brain Gain

“We’ve made the decision to go home, and I urge other New Zealanders to do the same. Let’s stop helping the economy of a country where we’re not welcome,” says Phillipa Hawkes, packing to come home following…

Escape from Middle Earth

Escape from Middle Earth

With a $100 000 budget and all the glamour Wellington could muster, the Rings wrap party was like “something straight out of Tolkien”.

Christmas in Auckland

Christmas in Auckland

“Then Christmas dinner – Polynesian style – got under way, accompanied by the sound of guitars and the laughter of girls, flowers in their hair, dancing the hula, the siva and the tamoure.”

NAFTA Pacific

NAFTA Pacific

New Zealand and Australia as part of NAFTA? It could happen under Bush.  

Bombs Away

Bombs Away

Foreign Minister Phil Goff has ruled out allowing high-level nuclear waste to travel through New Zealand waters.  



After ten years of play on an unregulated field, an umpire has been appointed for the New Zealand telecommunications industry.

Domestic goddess

Domestic goddess

Christmas brings out the “Nigella domestic goddess” in New Zealand lesbian-crime writer Stella Duffy.

Kiss Off

Kiss Off

Don’t pick the mistletoe – it’s endangered, but you can take a chainsaw to the holly – a noxious weed.

Flat Out

Flat Out

Chaos and interacting sound waves power new-generation flat speakers. New Zealand’s Soundlab is at the head of the pack, in sound-delivery technology.

Go Babies

Go Babies

Two babies per woman is the minimum for population stability – New Zealand, Iceland and the US are the only wealthy nations reproducing at or above replacement rate.

Flight Patterns

Flight Patterns

“The best of the work in “Flight Patterns” examines the surface detail of social, urban and environmental landscapes to present timely portraits of contemporary life in the Pacific Rim region… Gavin Hipkins’ two dozen…

Wildlife Sting

Wildlife Sting

Flora and fauna around the world are competing against introduced animals – New Zealand’s kaka is losing the battle over food sources to wasps, but island sanctuaries are a success story.

Putting Meat on the Table

Putting Meat on the Table

“Inexpensive frozen New Zealand lamb enabled Glaswegians to put meat on the table during the misery of the 1930’s. Galloway’s “Empire Lamb Shop”, at the end of Jamaica Street, was open just four days a week,…

Shears, Mate

Shears, Mate

Among elections, space-stations and UFO conventions, Masterton’s 40th annual Golden Shears competition rates a mention.

3G in 3rd M?

3G in 3rd M?

The auction of New Zealand’s 3G radio spectrum frequencies has been an on-again, off-again affair – will it take till the third millennium?

Growth Healthy

Growth Healthy

Statistics New Zealand figures show GDP growth of 4.5% in the year to September.

Lost Boys

Lost Boys

Les Blanchard found his long-lost brother in New Zealand – now he searches for the lost families of others.

Skin Jewels

Skin Jewels

Seen on Gwyneth, Bjork and Lauren Hill, New Zealand-educated J Maskrey’s Skin Jewelry described as “one of the most original innovations of recent years”. Also check out the fashionUK feature.

Fatter But Fitter

Fatter But Fitter

New Zealander’s average weight is increasing, but so is the general fitness of the population.

Privy Decision

Privy Decision

Attorney-General Margaret Wilson flags the government’s intention to abolish the right of appeal to the British Privy Council, instead creating a highest right of appeal based in New Zealand.  

Pharming Drugs

Pharming Drugs

“Pharming” is the name for growing drugs in transgenic animals, like PPL’s New Zealand sheep.

Sunshine for Sunline

Sunshine for Sunline

It’s official – Sunline is the Russell Crowe of the racing world. The New Zealand and Australian horse of the year, Kiwi Sunline is also Australasia’s biggest money winner. After her December 17 Hong Kong mile…

PPL Piggies

PPL Piggies

PPL (Scotland, US, NZ) presented the world with five cloned piglets – the beginning of interspecies organ donation and top five important science event 2000.

Year of the Crowe

Year of the Crowe

What sparked Crowe-mania? “I don’t know mate. Luck?” suggests the man himself, Entertainment Weekly‘s entertainer of the year. Proof of Life co-star David Caruso disagrees: “Once in a generation an actor will come along and…

AL&D ‘indispensable’

AL&D ‘indispensable’

“Arts and Letters Daily triumphantly confirms its founder’s original hypothesis – that there is a cornucopia of wonderful writing out there on the web…but its success is mainly due to the way it met…

First Time

First Time

Christchurch Casino has placed a clock in its gaming room – a first for the industry, which usually likes punters to forget the outside world exists.

Land Ahoy!

Land Ahoy!

Karen Hesse’s teen novel Stowaway chronicles the life of Nick Young, a stowaway on Cook’s ship and the first of the crew to spot Aotearoa

Sea Dog

Sea Dog

Sailing legend Grant Dalton’s a professional: ‘Treat Dalton like a wizened old sea dog and your hand will disappear into gritted teeth. “Romance of the sea? Doesn’t mean a shit to me,” he says. “You get…

Who Supervises the Supervisors?

Who Supervises the Supervisors?

New Zealand economist Tim Hazledine detects over-supervision – a proliferation in the ranks of “pseudo-managers monitoring their underlings”.