Tag Archives: Perpetual Guardian

4-Day Week Spurs Productivity

4-Day Week Spurs Productivity

In 2018, New Zealand company Perpetual Guardian gave each of its 230 employees a day off each week. After the eight-week trial, it reported a 20 per cent jump in productivity and made a…

Unilever NZ to follow lead of Perpetual Guardian to Trial 4-day Work Week

Unilever NZ to follow lead of Perpetual Guardian to Trial 4-day Work Week

Unilever New Zealand will be trialling a four day workweek for one year, representing a fundamental change in the way the company views their workforce, reports Azi Paybarah for The New York Times. All 81…

Four-Day Work Week Trial Run Finds ‘No Downside’

Four-Day Work Week Trial Run Finds ‘No Downside’

New Zealand financial services firm Perpetual Guardian “has made a four-day work week permanent protocol after a trial run found “no downside,” company founder Andrew Barnes announced this week,” writes Marisa Dellatto in an…

Perpetual Guardian’s Four-Day Week a Hit

Perpetual Guardian’s Four-Day Week a Hit

Auckland company Perpetual Guardian has declared their landmark trial of a four-day working week an “unmitigated success”, with 78 per cent of employees feeling they were able to successfully manage their work-life balance, an increase…

Perpetual Guardian Announces Shorter Work Week

Perpetual Guardian Announces Shorter Work Week

New Zealand trustee company Perpetual Guardian is on the cusp of granting its employees the ultimate in work-life balance: four days work for five days pay, Eleanor Ainge Roy reports for UK newspaper The…