The least of these, my brethren
The president of Black Power’s Whanganui chapter, Damien Kuru, is currently in prison for manslaughter. A jury found him guilty in the killing of Kevin Ratana, a Mongrel Mob member, even though he wasn’t…
The president of Black Power’s Whanganui chapter, Damien Kuru, is currently in prison for manslaughter. A jury found him guilty in the killing of Kevin Ratana, a Mongrel Mob member, even though he wasn’t…
I felt compelled to respond to Shane Jones – This mob mentality needs a short, sharp shock NZ Herald June 20th. I respect Shane Jones as a person of intellect and as an effective…
Closing a Community Chapter. The Two Colossi of Ahuriri, Pat Magill and John Harre On Monday 24 April Pat Magill, my kaumatua Pākehā, tangata Tiriti, called a few of us together for a coffee at…
Denis O’Reilly’s community in Waiohiki, Hawke’s Bay, is one of many still reeling from Cyclone Gabrielle and the flooding. In this update, he writes about the continuing challenges, and why the census matters even…
Situation Report, Waiohiki, 1st March, 2023 Ranginui is relentless. The scale of devastation is vast. Behind what’s left of my home and down Omarunui Road it looks like the Somme. Individually and collectively our community…
( Waiohiki Flood Recovery-Givealittle ) I began this kōrero at Waipatu, Heretaunga, in Hastings, in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 18, 2023. The sun had not yet risen, but it will….
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