Tag Archives: Fulbright scholar

New Zealand Gave a Home and Hope to Abbas Nazari

New Zealand Gave a Home and Hope to Abbas Nazari

Abbas Nazari was stranded on a ship in the Indian Ocean when he first heard the words “New Zealand”, Dunedin-based journalist Eleanor Ainge Roy writes for UK newspaper, The Guardian. Then aged seven, Nazari’s mother,…

Fulbright Scholar Matthew Stott in Yellowstone

Fulbright Scholar Matthew Stott in Yellowstone

New Zealand Fulbright scholar microbiologist Matthew Stott, 41, is spending four months studying microbes that live under extreme conditions in Yellowstone National Park’s geothermal hot springs. Stott’s fieldwork takes him to places where the water…

Eleanor Bishop Creating Challenging Theatre in Pittsburgh

Eleanor Bishop Creating Challenging Theatre in Pittsburgh

During her first trip to the United States, self-described “feminist artist who creates documentary theatre”, New Zealander Eleanor Bishop, 28, was so moved by a 2012 rape case involving high school students in Steubenville,…

Enabling Teens to Learn Through Responsibility

Enabling Teens to Learn Through Responsibility

Fulbright scholar and Victoria University senior lecturer Dr Barrie Gordon was in DeKalb, Illinois this month giving a presentation to students at Northern Illinois University on a teaching model, which is aimed at helping…