Management Executives on the Move
Tim Corcoran, who studied law at Canterbury University, New Zealand, is to become chief financial officer of Prolifix Ltd, a privately owned pharmaceutical company that is a leader in cell cycle research.
Tim Corcoran, who studied law at Canterbury University, New Zealand, is to become chief financial officer of Prolifix Ltd, a privately owned pharmaceutical company that is a leader in cell cycle research.
At first farmers were concerned labeling certain products ‘organic’ would tarnish others as inferior, but many are beginning to see that increasing demand from consumers, home and abroad cannot be ignored, as New Zealand pioneers like Angela Aitchison…
Financial Times special report “Japanese Internet Tsumani”, looks at how the internet is making reaching customers easy: “you can be sitting in the back of a taxi in a traffic jam checking your stocks, paying bills. It…
Auckland University researchers have found that children’s television programmes create a negative stereotype of mental illness which encourages young people to develop prejudice.
Without Quantum mechanics most of the Twentieth Century’s science and technology would not exist, yet our understanding remains vague and the debate between Einstein and Bohr over first principles was vigorous and unresolved. Bohr’s theory developed when…
Dr Aziz Abdul Rahman claims the answer to Malaysia’s fruit marketing woes: “There is a need to internationalise our products with a brand that will be associated with the country such as ‘Sunkist’ or ‘Kiwi fruit’…
Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter: A study from the University of Auckland has found that the secret to satisfying those hunger pains may not be calories or fat content, but how much the food weighs.
Young entrepreneur Jonathan Hendricksen this week became the first foreigner to list a company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange – and overnight made himself a $150 million fortune. The former hotel doorman has a 15% stake in…
Undertaking controversial research, New Zealand scientists are seeking government permission to take a naturally occurring mutant gene isolated from double-muscled Belgian blue cattle, which makes them grow exceptionally large, and insert it into sheep.
I’ve been thinking … Supermodel Rachel Hunter is launching a health education campaign for women in the wake of her recent cancer scare.
The booming Korean economy not only means a boost for New Zealand tourism but also the deer industry as it has boosted the demand for deer velvet, the soft precursor to antler widely used in oriental medicine.
Research jointly undertaken by researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and Vanderbilt University in Tennessee show that Moms may have more of an effect on their daughters’ lives than they realize – or even…
Free medical consultations for a year are being offered by a group of Internet doctors to a small rural town in New Zealand. The New Zealand-based Doctor Global is offering to give “virtual housecalls” and adopt…
Dr Ian Buckle, director of the Centre for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research is leading lab-research at University of Nevada, Reno, intended to help scientists, architects and engineers save lives by designing buildings and bridges that are more…
“If we can simulate an earthquake in a laboratory under our conditions on our time scale, we can make progress much faster,” said New Zealander Dr. Ian Buckle director of the Centre for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research…
New Zealand – Christchurch-based Pulse Data International has launched a notebook computer with word processing, personal organizer and e-mail software for blind people.
“But they might allow themselves a slight grouse about the billions of dollars of euros, dollars and yen paid out in subsidies elsewhere as their efficient modern industry faces the challenges of the future”.
As record-breaking icebergs are breaking off the edges of Antarctica, Dr. Dean Peterson, science strategy manager at the New Zealand Antarctic Institute, is leading research (with far ranging implications for the global climate) to find out more…
Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind demonstrator Marcel Oats said on Friday that the BrailleNote computer, developed by Pulse Data International, was a breakthrough that could be the equivalent of a laptop computer for blind people.
Dr. Anthony Rodgers of the University of Auckland, is leading an international study that has found that low-dose aspirin can save the lives of people having major surgery.
“In one of many initiatives, a New Zealand meat company is expected to announce soon that it has completed the first successful trace of meat sold in England back to a single farm in New Zealand…
Cantab Professor Denis Dutton considers art, sex, and evolutionary psychology, suggesting the brain can be seen as a kind of home-entertainment system; a status symbol, like a big new stereo, designed to make potential mates feel…
Toheeys and Hahn is going to be the new tap-beer in over 300 Victorian pubs as New Zealand’s Lion Nathan announces an aggressive A$100million pub buy-out in an effort to gain leverage in the Melbourne beer…
Do gestures help us find the right word, or is there a deeper meaning? Michael Corballis from the University of Auckland studied primates and children to find the answer to why we can’t keep our…
Lahore: Prescon Technology Company, of New Zealand, has announced to introduce state-of-the-art technology-based compressed natural gas (CNG) filling stations in Pakistan.
“Following the mauling to death of Mohammed Khaja by a tiger last October and other similar accidents over the last decade where trespassers have paid with their lives, the zoo authorities decided to go in for…
Henry Newrick, a New Zealand entrepreneur, who brought the idea to Britain, says, “They will change the way people think about phone numbers and make them more memorable and certainly valuable”.
Indian Minister of State for Minor Irrigation Kumar Bangarappa, in an effort to find a simpler, cost-effective alternative to a full-fledged concrete sea-wall, has come up with this idea, following the example of New Zealand.
Making the cover of the April New Scientist, New Zealand researchers at the University of Canterbury believe they have solved the mystery of one of nature’s oldest puzzles – ball lightning – a mysterious floating light…
Biochemists at the University of Waikato in New Zealand have found that the tea tree has a nectar with bacteria fighting properties that can neutralise the staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
New Zealand has developed a niche in the prosperous international organics market. “New Zealand, for example, is developing its organics markets with great success and produce from that country can be found in health food shops around the…
Sheep in New Zealand may teach scientists how livestock will fare as the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere goes up. White poles ringing the pasture continuously pump CO2 into the air.
The world’s first nuclear monitoring station is being established in New Zealand.
University of Auckland… A vaccine that protects against the effects of epilepsy and stroke has been successfully tested on animals.
New Zealanders say their country was built with No.8 wire, corrugated iron and Kauri logs… what is its key to success in high-tech battles against world technology leaders?
Kiwi Dr. Matthew During, in articles published in the New Yorker and Science reveals ‘revolutionary’ research that could limit brain damage caused by epilepsy and strokes.
Two New Zealand scientists report in Nature today a more down-to-earth explanation for something that has been puzzling physicists for hundreds of years.
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