News of Global New Zealanders |
From Brian Sweeney, publisher, NZEDGE.COM | 14 August 2019 | #376 | New York |
Researched, edited and produced by Jane Nye (Wellington), Carla Hofler (Auckland), Alexandra Burnside (New York).
See all stories and a 16,000 story archive of international New Zealand news 2000-2019 at NZEDGE/MEDIA. |
Fern symbol by www.nzflag.com founded by Lloyd Morrison. |
Film & TV | Vanity Fair |
14 August 2019 |
Thomasin McKenzie Chats to Vanity Fair |
New Zealander Thomasin McKenzie, 19, made a name for herself in indie stunner Leave No Trace, Britt Hennemuth writes for US magazine, Vanity Fair. Now she’s taking winning turns in Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit and Netflix Shakespeare film, The King, and talking… |

Arts | CM News
13 August 2004 |
Making History with Music |
NZ composer John Psathas provided much of the music for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Athens Games, including the climactic moment when the Olympic flame was lit. Born in NZ… |