Tag Archives: NZ beer

Truly International Ambition

Truly International Ambition

Moa Beer founder Josh Scott’s vision is for Moa “to be New Zealand’s first true international beer”, with Australia and the US as prime export targets. “We recently refreshed the brand, including a redesign…

A Pub Crawler’s Guide to Philosophy? Yeah Right.

A Pub Crawler’s Guide to Philosophy? Yeah Right.

US tour New Zealand “via its breweries, pubs and hard-case taverns”, finding barmaids who “pour the purge with a scowl that could compete with the hog trophies on the walls”, and brewers who freely offer insight into…

Beery Good

Beery Good

“Beer makes people more sociable in an increasingly unsociable world. Beer, particularly for the Aussies, is something of an icon, so I’m very well aware of the responsibility,” says Scot Gordon Cairns, the man taking New…