Tag Archives: Australia

“Put Another Kiwi on the Barbie Mate” New Zealand Scoffs at Statehood Idea

“Put Another Kiwi on the Barbie Mate” New Zealand Scoffs at Statehood Idea

Prime Minister Helen Clark has dismissed a suggestion that NZ should become a part of Australia. Former Australian Liberal Party Leader John Hewson, said it was time to consider incorporating New Zealand into a new independent…

‘Gardeners Get out Your Pruners’ –  New Zealand is the Leading Destination in Booming Garden Tourism Market

‘Gardeners Get out Your Pruners’ –  New Zealand is the Leading Destination in Booming Garden Tourism Market

In the English-speaking world, New Zealand (with a much lusher climate than Australia) is becoming popular because you can enjoy gardens from October through February, thanks to the equitorial inversion of seasons.

Solid Achieving New Zealand Economy – an Oxymoron?

Solid Achieving New Zealand Economy – an Oxymoron?

“In broader terms, the best-performing economies of the 20th century have been the “Western Offshoots” of Western Europe – the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand”.

Playing Possum with Beachwear

Playing Possum with Beachwear

New Zealand has finally found a use for their pesky marsupial pest. Possum leather bikinis are the sexy, fashionable and expensive Kiwi import about to hit Australian beaches.

New Zealand Sets the Standard in How to Say Sorry

New Zealand Sets the Standard in How to Say Sorry

“The question of an official apology to the indigenous people which is proving so contentious in Australia, has been dealt with quite differently in New Zealand, as part of the settlement process initiated by the Waitangi Tribunal”….

Breakers Go for Broke

Breakers Go for Broke

US co-ed are looking for a spring-break change and NZ is on the bikini-trail.  “Europe is big this year”, she says, “So is Australia and New Zealand.  People are spreading their wings”.