Up in the Trees

New Zealand directory company Yellow has built a Tree House Restaurant using only resources listed in its books. The restaurant, described by Lucy Gauntlett of the Los Angeles Times as “a graceful pod that glows about 30 feet above the ground,” was built by Tracey Collins of Auckland, who blogged about the experience at www.yellowtreehouse.co.nz. Designer Peter Eising used two dead redwood trees found in the surrounding  forest to build the restaurant, complimenting them with sustainably grown pine and poplar. Eising said he was inspired by forms found in nature, and designed the restaurant to resemble a chrysalis, holding an emerging butterfly. The restaurant served 2,000 people before closing in February. Owners of the land that hosts the restaurant are considering opening the tree house to the public for ceremonial use.

Tags: Los Angeles Times  Tracey Collins  treehouse  Yellow  

Emilia Wickstead Helping Airline Make an Impression

Emilia Wickstead Helping Airline Make an Impression

Around the globe, airlines and hotels are collaborating with top fashion houses to reshape brand narratives, like Air New Zealand and their partnership with London-based Emilia Wickstead. Condé Nast Traveler’s Caitlin…